5 Ways Persivias CareSpace Digital Health Platform Is Improving Patient Outcomes | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Let’s talk about something that’s been making waves in our industry lately – The Digital Health Platform. You’ve definitely heard the hype, but today we’re digging into one game changer that’s really capturing people’s attention: Persivia’s CareSpace Digital Health Platform.
Now I understand what you are thinking. “Another day, another platform, right?” But hold on to your stethoscopes, for this one is different. We’re talking about a system that does more than merely check boxes. It genuinely improves patient outcomes. And, let’s be honest, isn’t that why we all got into healthcare in the 1st place?
5 Ways CareSpace Digital Health Platforms Are Shaking Things Up!
Getting Social with Health Data
First up, let’s talk about those social determinants of health (SDOH). You know, all those factors outside the hospital that make a huge difference in patient health? Well, CareSpace is all over it. This useful platform collects information from a variety of sources, including electronic health records and patient surveys. Also, it not only collects but also interprets this data. We’re talking smart analytics here.